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How the idea was born


With the successes of our professional athletes, golf is having a strong impact on the national press, gradually increasing its popularity and diffusion.
With the increase in interest and demand, inevitably, the market must increase and improve its offer. Clubs must also commit to guaranteeing their member-clients high quality and professionalism in the services they offer.
From this perspective, our company was created precisely to help golf clubs to better fit into a new, highly competitive economic fabric and to project them into the future of our sport.

Why Golf@360

The answer is simple. We will be able to satisfy all requests, both through our high professional skills and by interacting with partner companies, specialized in the sector of interest, to reach the set target.
The company's offering ranges from the financial and managerial sector to the tax sector, from the technical golf sector (design and restyling of structures) to the engineering and architectural sector (adaptation of real estate infrastructure), from the organization of the competitive and youth sector to the supply of every type of material for the normal activity of the club, from the development of new possible sources of income to the optimization of the competition calendar and compliance with regulations of the Italian Golf Federation.

The target of our offer

Any club has the desire to broaden its horizons and try to enter a more modern dimension in the management of the club and the course.
We offer the action capacity of a "director" to achieve the objective that the Club sets itself, to the point of making it a "client oriented" company that offers itself on the national market to sell its "golf product" in the most competitive way.
All this translates into an interactive collaboration with the members of the Club Council to achieve complete satisfaction of the social substrate and the members themselves.



  • strong qualitative and quantitative ability to contain costs

  • in-depth analysis of management issues

  • experience in the social life of clubs to improve the quality of the game

  • specific skills for the creation of new sports facilities and the restyling of existing ones

  • inclusion of new technologies to renovate structures

  • creation of new local realities for the diffusion of golf

  • creation of customized interventions for each type of customer



  • Deep knowledge of the national and international golf reality ​

  • Strong economic, managerial and technical expertise ​

  • Possibility of providing the capacity of a director limited to extraordinary interventions agreed with the management of the Club ​

  • Large contact base in every area of interest in the world of golf ​

  • Ability to promptly interact with customers in the form best suited to their needs ​

  • Possibility of creating ad hoc service packages with a very high level of flexibility of offer

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